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S-L-O-W Living
Friday 14 January 2022 (Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei)   14:04   I’m not actually too sure why Slow Living, but I have been thinking a lot about this. 6:30    I left the house to go to the beach. It...
Shot of a woman sat in a park bench. Trees in the background and black and white pictures and shown in the foreground.
Access to Moving Image
Most of my past moving image works have had an element of text that was an intrinsic part of the work. Sometimes, this text was aimed towards improving accessibility in exhibition contexts whereas others...
A young man guiding an older man the basic skills used to navigate a smartphone
What is Accessibility?
Reflection on the first session I did not have any expectation coming into the residency. My plans is to see how this residency will allow myself to explore different approach toward my work. The first...
A digital collage photo by Charlie Fitz. There is a vintage sepia photograph in the background of doctors in light robes, head and face coverings. At the front and bottom of the image is a photo of Charlie's face in colour, with a straw hat on. Her head is attached to a black and white image of a nurse putting a facemask on a patient in a bed. In between her shoulder there is text, which says "it's all in your head".
Residency project plan and background
As one of the resident artists for the In Transit Pilot, Charlie Fitz writes about her residency project plan, gives background information on her research and defines her method of the assisted-self portrait....
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