Above: Documentation of the workshop “Scores for radical rest” at Pushkin House London, April 2023, lead by Mira Hirtz. Image courtesy of the artist.
The photograph show of group of people who explore various ways to sit, lie and rest on chairs which are scattered through the room. Both images on the right show layers of drawn lines and collaged shapes on top the photograph. They follow the shapes of the participant’s bodies.
In these collages, I look at the question: what do shapes evoke for you? Can you feel them kinaesthetically?
Kinaesthetic awareness, this means the awareness about how our body moves and where it is placed in space.
Kinaesthetic awareness can also focus on how our body feels in response to something that we perceive. For example: a movement of another person, the movement of wind through branches, the sound of water dripping – or maybe also the sight of shapes and lines?
Something swinging slowly
Something spreading wide
Something falling open
Something yawning apart
Something melting together