I have been reconstructing my storyboard and the ideation on how to portray as a medium of video art concluding with the installation. I had a one-to-one with Celina with how the installation should be conduct in Manchester and Kuala Lumpur since I am reconsidering the material and process of how to setup the artwork.
I wanted the artwork to be able connect with the audience so the installation for the video art would be able to approach them. And yes! for the video art process, in the beginning I had no idea on how to capture the texture or manipulate it’s form. I had to search the techniques on how to use it with Adobe After Effect because in my opinion for finishing it would be in Premiere Pro.

Air Clay Picture Shots 3 out of 60 by Amira Syahirah (Crystal) Using Iphone 15 Pro
These are the samples 3 picture out of 60 shots I have taken by using a material called air clay, the texture is almost similar to moist and slimy. I find it by creating the the spiral abstract shapes with close-up shots to be able seeing the texture, using the trippy technique to manipulate the images and create a motion with the picture I have taken, it turns out to create the endless motion of liquid texture.

These are the final form of the picture being convert and manipulate with motions as we can see the texture of the air clay appears to be in a form of liquid and a lil bit of sandy. The repetition of motion and line liquid form is to create a senses of hypnotic in a sense of fantasy world. I am excited to create more sense of motion by using a picture and manipulate it with the techniques that is available and able to explore in Adobe After Effect.