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Photograph of my stop motion work space and materials.
First edit of my film
Latifah's hand holding a marker, testing for animation drawing
Setting up my hand painted animation
Latifah shares her workspace and the process behind her hand-painted animation.
Untitled (2022), Latifah A
In my studio
Wayfinding Scores Alecia Neo 1
Wayfinding Scores
During my residency with In Transit, I continue working with my current research on care practices. Care Index is an ongoing project that invites artists and diverse collaborators to reflect and explore...
5 pieces of Composition ideas and colours for Latifah's animation on the floor with a shot of her shoes in the frame
Composition ideas and colours for my animation
Here are a few paintings that I have been working on in my studio. Here are some images from my studio, where I have been trying out new colour combinations with my pigment sticks. These sketches...
Initial research and sketches
photograph from a page in ‘Women contested territory and art’ by Judy Chicago and Edward Lucie-Smith. The Garden of Dreams- Gardens have always played an important role in...
Sketches on composition for final output
Compositing I’ve taken a lot of inspiration from the traditional local wood carving to for the composition of the final piece. I would like to manipulate and experiment on some of the local motives...
Tuesday 24 February 2022 (Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam) Saturday5 March 2022 (Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam) InTransit tran·sit | ˈtran(t)-sət , ˈtran-zə Definition of transit  1 a(1) :...
Stills of rendering from work in progress render
Work in progress
Work in progress As the residency coming to the end, we all rushing out to produce our final output. Here is some of the screenshots of my work in progress. My first initial process on producing the final...
Screenshot of Adobe After Effects for work in progress
My process
My process I wanted to share more about how do I create my work and after the group critics session I felt there is more to share about what is my process on creating my artwork. Normally I will start...
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