My dear friend and collaborator Meghna Bhardwaj, is in Singapore for her performance art residency with The Esplanade. During the the onset of Covid-19 pandemic, Meghna and I both launched artistic projects responding to mass lock-downs and global mobility restrictions. She began Yarning, a project that explores the relationship between movement/dance and the rhythmic/vibratory structures, textures, and metaphors embedded in the gestures of weaving/crocheting/stitching/sewing/knitting; I began circulating my first open call for the Care Index, offering creative prompts and inviting video submissions of personal care practices. We resonated with each other’s work and began contributing to each other’s research and projects. I’m excited to finally be in the same physical space with her and to see how our projects intersect and fuel one another.
Snapshots | Experiments at Meghna’s rehearsal studio and from our recent visit to he National Library’s current exhibition, Mapping the World: Perspectives from Asian Cartography where we draw inspiration from historical maps.