Work in progress


Work in progress

As the residency coming to the end, we all rushing out to produce our final output. Here is some of the screenshots of my work in progress.

My first initial process on producing the final output is to try to use any existing material that I’ve created previously to design a new composition of the Pohon Beringin.


I’ve realize that the shape and the obs/sphere does not work in this specific composition. I would like to explore creating the shapes directly in 3D.

Here is some of the screenshot on my modelling and rendering of the additional elements for the composition.

Screenshot of Cinema4D for work in progress
Screenshot of Cinema4D modelling and rendering
Screenshot of Cinema4D for work in progress
Screenshot of Cinema4D modelling and rendering

Once I’ve render it out separately I then bring it into After Effects to explore different sets of composition base on sketches that I’ve done earlier on.

Screenshot of Adobe After Effects for work in progress
Screenshot of After Effects composition.

I will update more detail on how did I came up with the composition in the next post.

Abdul Shakir

Abdul Shakir (also known as ‘Grasshopper’) is a multidisciplinary multimedia artist and one of the co-founders of Filamen, which focuses on projection mapping, light installation and interactive installation projects. Shakir has worked in post-production and production agencies, and has done various projects related to design and art: graphic design, motion graphics, projection mapping and interactive installation. His projects have gone beyond Malaysia and reached an international level, displaying his works in China, Hong Kong, Spain, and the USA. Some of the notable platforms in which he has shown his work are LAMPU Festival, Urbanscapes Art Festival, Rainforest in the City, and George Town Festival.