Setting up my hand painted animation


Shot of Latifah's working desk, computer and paint
Latifah's hand holding a marker, testing for animation drawing

Creating a grey painted background to work into with my pigment stick.

Shot of studio - paints

Some of the materials that I use when painting – pigment sticks, brushes, linseed oil and tissues for wiping away.

Latifah Stranack

Born to parents from the East and the West, Latifah has always been fascinated by cultural hybridity and how this has shaped her senses, and the lens through which she experiences the world. In pursuit of a fleeting moment, she contextualises and reframes the presence and absence of family members and belongings. Partially revealed, Latifah attempts to collapse her present reality and bring the past to life, forever layered in washes of paint, helping her work through subconscious emotions and fears. The work she is compelled to create, enables and empowers her to make sense of who she is.