No opportunities currently available.

Braille code in vibrant colours for the symbol # and the numbers 1, 2 and 3.

Full grant for d/Deaf, disabled, neurodivergent and/or chronically ill artist

Open to artists who identify as d/Deaf, disabled, neurodivergent and/or chronically ill at any stage of their career for a fully funded three month online training residency at In Transit from 3 April - 30 June 2023. In Transit's training residencies provides artists the opportunity to receive accessibility training in relation to the arts, have a platform and share artwork, develop new connections, receive curatorial and accessibility support in producing web-accessible work and build a new network.

Image taken in the inside of a household portraying individuals

Half grant for artists working with moving image

Open to artists working with moving image at any stage of their career for a half-funded three month online training residency at In Transit from 3 April - 30 June 2023. In Transit's training residencies provides artists the opportunity to receive accessibility training in relation to the arts, have a platform and share artwork, develop new connections, receive curatorial and accessibility support in producing web-accessible work and build a new network.